Winter Skin Care: Tips To Glowing Skin
Winter happens to be my favourite time of the year. As the temperature drops, it's time to cosy up, drink your coffee, and give your skin a little extra love!
Winter can be very harsh on our skin. It suffers greatly in cold weather because of the low relative humidity, which leaves our skin flaky and dry. The air is not only dryer, but the artificial indoor heat further dries up the skin. In short, winter can be harsh on our skin. But, fear not! I have some amazing tips that will have you looking like a snow-kissed landscape under the shining sun!
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
Our water intake during winter becomes extremely low which can lead to dehydration. As the temperature drops, so does the humidity level. This results in extremely dry skin. Just because the weather is cold it does not mean that your skin is safe. The chilly outdoor air combined with indoor heat zaps the moisture right from your skin. It maintains your skin's elasticity, fights dryness, and gives your skin a natural glow! So remember to hydrate as often as you can.
Lather up with love
Switch to an oil-based moisturiser in winter. The cold weather outside and constantly being around heaters not only take up moisture from the surroundings but also take it from your skin. Leaving it dry and itchy. To combat this, switch out your lightweight and thing moisturisers and creams with thicker and creamer formulas. After taking a shower, lather your wet body with products that contain hyaluronic acid, shea butter, or glycerine to lock in as much moisture as possible. Your skin will thank you for looking soft and supple!
Hot showers? ice-ice baby
We all love those long hot showers that end with us looking like a rotisserie chicken. Let's admit we all love feeling cosy after spending our day out in the cold. But, even if the showers feel amazing they ultimately wash away your body's natural oils leaving it parched. Instead, take shorter showers to protect our skin. I know it's not fun but your skin will thank you and we all need to make little sacrifices to look our best. Use lukewarm water, especially for your hair. The short showers with lukewarm water will lock in moisture and you will save money on your monthly water bill. That's a win-win in my books!
Exfoliate don't Hibernate
Just because it is winter, do not forget to exfoliate your skin. All that dry skin causes an excessive build-up of dead cells making your skin look dull. Choose an exfoliator that is gentle on your skin to slough off all those dead skin cells and achieve a perfectly soft texture. Exfoliate at least once every week to keep your skin soft and glowing like the winter sun on fresh snow.
Do not skip sunscreen!
Just because the sun is not out as often as it is in summer, does not mean you should be neglectful about using sunscreen. UV rays are still present even during cloudy days. Find a good sunscreen higher than 15 SPF and make it an essential part of your skincare routine. Sun breaks melanin in your skin which protects your skin from the sun's UV rays. The breakage of melanin causes your skin to lose elasticity which in turn causes ageing.
Pamper your skin
Give your skin the love it deserves by adding steps to your daily skincare routine. You must remember that what you put in your body reflects on the surface. Use good skin supplements that contain Vitamin B12 because they provide essential nutrients to your body to produce collagen and help maintain the skin's natural moisture balance.
Pamper your skin with hydrating face masks to get maximum moisture. Use masks that contain vitamin C, aloe Vera, or avocado to give your skin some tender loving care. Have a little mask-erade party while you binge your favourite show!
Bundle Up and Wear Nonirritating Clothing
Many winter clothes are made of material that might aggravate dry skin. Opt for light breathable clothes that are soft to the touch to avoid friction with your skin. Do not wear wool and other rough textured clothes on direct skin and bundle up instead. Your face is not the only thing that needs protection from the sun. Do not forget to give your entire body some love too and bundle up with outerwear that protects you from the sun.
Winter is a magical season and your skin deserves to shine the way Earth after early morning rain. Take care of yourself. And remember, beauty starts from within!